RDP Friday – Wonderment

thanks to the Ragtag community for hosting RDPhttps://ragtagcommunity.wordpress.com/2023/03/31/friday-wonderment/

“The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.”
― Albert Einstein

“Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

As I take my daily walks with my camera in hand, I’m alway in the state of wonderment with the beauty that surrounds me every day. I’m saddened by the fact that so many people never see what is right in front of their eyes. Many evenings I have run out of the house with my camera in hand to catch a beautiful sunset or quietly stood by my back door to catch the birds and squirrels come to the feeder.


To Feed or Not to Feed the Birds?….that is the question

….feeding bread to birds seems to stem from an old European tradition

When my Dad was still alive I remember he used to save up his stale bread to feed to the ducks and geese down by the lake. I never gave it much thought until I started to read the warnings about feeding waterfowl who live in the wild. Apparently bread is very bad for them because it can prevent birds from getting the nutrients they need to thrive because bread fills them up. Also, moldy, bread can be dangerous to birds and can pose a number of health problems for them. If the chunks of bread are too large, they can actually block the digestive tract. A regular diet of bread products fed to waterfowl can cause serious harm and even be fatal.

I came across a group of people feeding the birds down by the beach. Although I don’t agree with the practice it did give me an opportunity to get some interesting shots.


WQWWC – Lakes, Ocean, Water

….thanks to Marsha for hosting WQWWC https://alwayswrite.blog/2021/08/11/wqwwc-37-lakes-oceans-water/

This challenge requires that we find a quote to go along with the prompt. Here are my two favourite bodies of water in Ontario: Lake Ontario and Georgian Bay.


My quotes that fit this challenge are:

“There’s only one way to tackle life, enjoy a day at the beach, and jump into a Great Lake: Headfirst!”

– Viola Shipman

“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson


…..it’s not what you think

Up at the cottage when the residents say we’re ‘Hopeless’ they are not referring to the state of affairs in the world, their own state of mind or any situation for that matter. Hopeless at Big Sand Bay means that we are fogged in and can’t see Hope Island which sits just north of us.


When the fog breaks up and the sun reappears Hope Island returns to us. In life hope is always there. Sometimes hope is all we have and even in our darkest days we sometimes have to push through the darkness to find it but when we do we can begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

What Christmas Taught Us This Year

….Christmas was certainly different this year for most people who chose to stay safe

Some things didn’t change. We cut down a tree with the family, albeit socially distant and masked, and I decorated it. The difference this year is that I totally decorated it on my own and it was up a full two weeks before Christmas. Normally I wait until my daughter can come over and help me and it often doesn’t get done until a few days before Christmas.

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As much as we love being with family on Christmas we found new ways to celebrate the holiday. We exchanged gifts but this year the gifts were exchanged in front of the house. I still filled everyone’s stockings but this year everyone took them home. Gaelan brought special donuts from Hamilton and we exercised the dogs for a few minutes in the park down the street.

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Our son and his family live in London, England so this year we opened our gifts early. We always open presents on Christmas Eve but 3:00 in the afternoon was early even for us. When everyone got back home we had a Zoom Christmas so that everyone could watch their gifts being opened. It was a bit hectic but in the end watching Sevin celebrate her first Christmas was very special. Technology this year has kept us in touch and brought us closer to all our family members.

My husband and I decided to still make a special Christmas dinner for just the two of us. The only thing that was different is that we didn’t cook a turkey. Instead, we bought a nice big capon to roast and at the last minute I decide to make cranberry sauce. My husband is an amazing cook and I’m no novice when it comes to cooking but even after all these years of experience we can still mess up. The difference this year is that we could laugh about it. There were no guests to worry about or timelines that needed to be met. So when the capon was undercooked and we had to put it back in the oven, after slicing off the cooked parts, we just relaxed with more wine and started off with the wonderful salad that Kevin made.

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My cranberry sauce…..well lets just say that you should never walk away from a pot of boiling cranberry sauce. In the end I was able to salvage it with a little more sweetener. Kevin likes to tell people that we had twice baked capon and smoked cranberry relish.

We’ve learned that it’s the little things that bring us joy. Even though we knew we wouldn’t be together as a family for Christmas I still decorated the house. I pared back on the decorations but I’ve learned that you don’t need to put everything out. Simple things like lighting candles and playing Christmas music brought us joy and peace. In a way this Christmas prepared us for the day when we might have to spend more Christmases alone. There will come a day, perhaps, as the grandchildren get older they won’t want to come to Oma and Papa’s house on Christmas Eve or maybe some of our children will move further away. As for now, though, we hope we can have a few more Christmas Eve celebrations together as a family.

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It was certainly a less stressful Christmas this year. Hopefully 2021 will bring back some normality. We will probably all have to adjust to a new normal and hopefully 2020 taught us some valuable lessons about life and what is important. My husband and I learned that even though we love each other, more importantly, we actually like each and enjoyed our self imposed isolation in 2020.

Cheers and a happy New Year!


Outdoor Art During COVID-19

….isolation brings out the creativity in people

Walking through the neighbourhood these last seven weeks I’ve come across some pretty amazing art. Some are very simple messages hung on trees, others are temporary works of art on the sidewalks and others clearly took some time and thought. Here are a few of the works I’ve come across.


I finally found Waldo……

Words of Hope and Love

A very good friend of mine who lives alone has started a project that involves all her friends. She recently asked us to all create ornaments with words of inspiration written on them that she could hang on her white Christmas tree. She still has the white lights on it and she thought it was the perfect back drop for her tree of Hope and Peace and Love.

Her original idea was to cover it with ornaments in the shape of moons, suns and stars. We were all given carte blanche and the only caveat was that they not be too big and that there were  personal messages written on them to send out to the world.

My whole family is getting involved but I think I’m the first to complete the task. I decided to show you my work in the form of a video with music in the background. I learned something new today as I have never done anything like this. Now I’m hoping I’m able to send it out to you.

Covid-19 Has Kept Us Busy

…as a result I haven’t been posting very much or replying to a lot of emails

As some of you may know my husband and I were planning a trip to the UK to see our new granddaughter. In fact we should be on-route as I write this post but clearly I’m not on a plane to anywhere right now.

Early last week we were just getting over the sad news of three deaths in our extended family (not related to the virus) when my husband’s doctor strongly advised him not to take this trip. His suppressed immune system put him in a very high risk category for catching the coronavirus. It was a difficult decision but the right one not to go.

Now I had to decide if I would go without him and spend the first five days with our daughter, granddaughter and son-in-law and then the next eight days alone but close to our son, daughter-in-law and the new baby. I had a lot of mixed messages from colleagues and friends. Some said I should go and enjoy the new baby and others were worried that I could return and infect my husband and 93 year old father.

By Wednesday evening the airline that we were flying on offered a rebooking option without a penalty fee but we had to take the trip before September 1st. That did not work for my daughter and her family because of the summer camp that they run. However, as you know, every hour things changed quickly in the world and by Thursday evening the airline came back, after a lot of backlash from the public and extended the rebooking offer to December 31st.

All of us rebooked for mid October. On Saturday my husband and I ventured out to the mall to finalize our travel cancellation and rebooked our trip at the same time. We were happy the we booked through the Flight Centre because they did all the grunt work for us. After taking our information they sent us home and within a couple of hours we were notified that all was taken care of. Our daughter on the other hand spent a lot of time just trying to get through to the airline because they had booked on-line. Once they finally got through they were on hold for almost an hour but in the end they also were able to cancel this flight and rebook for later.

When we were at the mall Saturday afternoon we were surprised how empty the mall was. People certainly weren’t stocking up here for anything.B3-C1113-D-8-AE5-46-F9-8-CA6-89-F62-C6-D5-DC3

On Thursday our 13 1/2 year old dog, Frances, was clearly not well. She wasn’t eating, had difficulty walking and controlling her bladder. She slept most of the time and when she was awake she dragged her back legs and moved sideways. We had seen similar symptoms with our last dog and we knew that if she had the same thing she would recover but it would take a few days. On Friday we took her to the vet and she was also pretty sure that Frances has a vestibular disorder that affects her balance. She gave us some more medicine for her arthritis and some wet food that would stimulate her appetite. I’m happy to say that she’s already feeling somewhat better. She is eating and drinking more and even wanted to go out for a walk today. She still walks lopsided and you can see in the photo that her head is still tilted to the side.334-A405-E-ACE2-47-D4-99-F7-2337-FB697796

I hope I haven’t alarmed anyone with the heading at the top of this post. No one in our family, neighbourhood or amongst our friends has the virus but the global epidemic has affected our lives and will continue to do so for the coming weeks. Practise social distancing, wash your hands a lot and stay healthy and please don’t hoard things you don’t need. It makes it very difficult for people, especially seniors who need those things to get them.

Be positive and stay calm.

Carol (aka Mama Cormier)