RDP Thursday – Picture Book

thanks to the Ragtag community for hosting the Ragtag Daily Prompts https://ragtagcommunity.wordpress.com/2024/05/23/ragtag-daily-prompt-thursday-picture-book/

Today’s daily prompt is picture books. I loved Mies van Hout’s books about friendship and feelings. They made for great discussion starters in my classes and the drawings inspired many art lessons as well.


New Flower (May 23, 2024) – Red Roses from Edinburgh

in April

Now that we’re back home I can start blogging again. I was unable to post photos on my trip so over the next several weeks I’ll be posting photos from the UK. Some will be in challenges and others will be used to document our adventures.


I was amazed to find roses blooming this time of year but I found them all over Scotland and London, England. A rare site here in Toronto.