One Resolution: More Art in 2021

….on day one I’ve started to draw from my new book In Bloom by Rachel Reinert

I’ve tried this before where I wanted to make art every day of the year. I made a lot but I didn’t quite hit 365 drawings in 2018. This year I won’t beat myself up if I miss a day or two but I’m going to give it another go. My husband gave me a book for Christmas that I asked for and today I cracked it open and drew the first two flowers featured in the book.

I’ve discovered over the years that I’m very much drawn to flowers in my photography and my art. I always believe there’s more to learn so I’m really looking forward to drawing and learning more about flowers.

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Monsters are Cool Again

….a change of heart from two weeks ago

When today’s Monster Monday showed up on What’s App our granddaughter had a very different reaction from two weeks ago. If you remember she declared then that she didn’t want to see Monday’s drawing because she knew it would be a monster and monsters are scary.

Today she said. “It’s a Valentine Monster. That’s really cool!”


In the Cubby?

….had to ask where the cubby was

When our granddaughter saw today’s drawing she said it had to go in the cubby. We know that at preschool she has a cubby to store her personal items. Maybe all Valentine related things need to stay there until the big day.


A Scratchy Bowtie

….today’s drawing is another dog with a bowtie

Kevin introduced this dog as Angus. When he asked Winnie if she liked his bowtie she said: “No, it’s too scratchy.” Then she looked outside at the freezing rain (schools were closed in Hamilton because of the weather) and declared, “It’s a good day to go for a bike ride.” What a kid!


Papa Can You Draw Me a Butterfly?

….a quick change in plans…the prepared drawing can wait for another day

Usually my husband draws one or two drawings ahead of the day he sends them to Winnie. Today she made a request that he couldn’t ignore so he quickly whipped up this lovely butterfly. Her comment: “It’s a beautiful butterfly. Is it a unicorn butterfly?”

bane airplane