Thursday Doors – July 21, 2016

…..after returning from Italy I haveĀ numerous photos of doors to share onĀ Thursday Doors

This first door was shot in Rome behind the Spanish Steps. My son says it’s famous but no one in the group even noticed it as we walked by except me. How could one not see this?


This is Palazzetto Zuccari, also known as Casa dei Mostri (House of the Monsters).

I’m Back and Excited to Share My Journey

….I’ve finally returned from my trip of a lifetime to Italy

We stepped through our front door on Tuesday evening after being on an airplane for 9 hours, at the baggage carousel for at least an hour and then two hours in a car. We ended up driving to Hamilton first to drop off our daughter and Winnie. We stayed for a bit and had a much needed cup of coffee and a bite to eat. Then we packed up our dog, Frances and headed back to Toronto. By the time we got to bed we had been up for about 21 hours.

Luckily for me I managed to sleep through the night but my husband was up at 4:00 and Winnie was definitely on European time, getting up at 2:00 and 4:00 and then again at 7:00. Not only did she wake up but she stayed awake for an hour or two each time.

When I checked my emails I had over 1000. Needless to say that checking and replying to each one is next to impossible. I apologize in advance to my followers whose emails I had to delete. Even deleting emails takes time and I’m now down to 300. I’m hoping to read most of them.

I’ve managed to upload about half of my photos to my laptop. I’ve asked my family members to send me more shots, especially with ones of me in them. At the family wedding I didn’t have one photo of me in either of my cameras. Luckily my brother-in-law and nephew took lots and they promised to send me some.

So for the next couple of weeks I’ll definitely share some of my adventures and certainly many of my photos from Italy. For now I leave you with a small sampling of my 17 days in Venice, Florence, Bologna, Lucca, Assisi and Rome. Enjoy!

Sunday Trees – 244

….I’mĀ back with some interesting trees from Italy

Every weekĀ Becca GivensĀ hosts Sunday Trees. Do you like trees as much as we do? Why not post your favourite trees every Sunday (or sometime during the week) and join the fun.
