Thursday Trio – Week 5


Do you have photos of three objects? Join the challenge. There are no rules as too when you can join, how often or how many photos you have to submit….one, two, three or more. Just copy the link and paste it into your post and it will ping back to me. Quotes about trios are also fun.

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge – Week 5

……thanks Cee for the fun prompts for this week’s Fun Foto Challenge

This week’s prompts are:

  • music, guitar, instrument, men, candid, coffee

Candid Shot of Men Playing RugbyP1030523

Random Men Running


Music: Sheet Music, Choir, Elvis ImpersonatorP1020562




365 Days of Art – Colour Plunge

… 34 and challenge #5 from The Collage Workbook

This week (I’ve finally caught up) Randel Plowman asks us to choose a colour and make a monochromatic collage using various shade of that colour. I’ve made two. The first one is mostly reds and the second one contains a variety of pinks. I’ve already starting using my art papers that I made yesterday. Check out Evelyn Flint’s colour plunge. They’re amazing.


Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge – Week 6

…..we stopped to see what the dog was so distracted by and discovered a group of squirrels chasing each other up and down this massive tree


For more odd ball photos check out Cee’s blog.

Share Your World 2016 – Week 5

…..thank you Cee for four more thought provoking questions

If you had a shelf for your three most special possessions (not including photos, electronic devices and things stored on them, people or animals), what would you put on it?

I don’t own many family heirlooms. My mother was very much a bare bones kind of person when it came to decorating the house. She, herself, didn’t own a lot of special possessions because so much of what they owned was lost in the war so growing up the only things I remember my mother cherishing were her photo albums. When I got married my grandmother gifted me a blue decanter that she managed to save from the bombings and when my mother passed the only thing that I wanted was an old silver serving spoon with the date 1909 stamped on it and the initials WS. The third item would be a collection of things my children made over the years, such as, paintings, photography assignments and hand made toys. IMGP0035

If you had a box labelled ‘happiness’, what would you put in it? 

I would fill it with photos of my family, music, paintings and art supplies and books.

What do you want more of in your life?

I want to travel more, spend more time painting and take classes to learn new art techniques. I also want to spend more time with my family. If I had unlimited resources I would travel with my family and visit my family across the ocean.

Daily Life List: What do you do on an average day? Make a list of your usual activities you do each day.

  1. My husband wakes me up at 6:30 and brings me a cup of coffee.
  2. I shower and get ready for work.
  3. I eat breakfast.
  4. I leave the house between 7:25 and 7:50 (earlier when I have basketball practice).
  5. I arrive at school between 7:45 and 8:10.
  6. I have another cup of coffee and socialize with colleagues before the school day begins at 8:30.
  7. My first period is usually a prep and then I have my first library class of the day.
  8. During recess children help me in the library putting books away.
  9. After recess I have another class or I do library administration work (labelling books, ordering books, putting books away, straightening shelves, removing damaged and old books for recycling, etc.)
  10. Lunch is at 11:15 and I usually bring a lunch from home.
  11. Lunch ends at 12:10 and my afternoon is usually filled teaching library and art.
  12. 3:00 the school day ends but twice a week I do bus duty at this time.
  13. 3:15 to 4:00 I work in the library or during report card time I’m in the office printing and reprinting report cards for the staff.
  14. Anywhere from 4:30 to 5:00 or later I leave for home.
  15. My husband usually makes dinner so when I get home I have a cup of tea or coffee and we talk about our day while he cooks.
  16. At this time I’ll also check my emails.
  17. Dinner is usually around 6:00. Afterwards I usually wash the dishes or we do them together.
  18. My husband goes to watch TV and I spend time on the computer reading and answering more emails and writing new posts for the blog.
  19. On certain nights I will watch some TV and I have started to knit. I also like to read so if there isn’t anything I like on TV I’ll read a book.
  20. At some point in the evening I take the dog for a walk
  21. Anywhere between 11:00 and 12:00 I get ready for bed.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for a wonderful day spent with my granddaughter. The weather has been warm and there is no snow and on the weekend I managed to get in 30 000 steps over two days. I’m also pleased that I’ve finished proof-reading report cards. On Sunday I met up with 7 friends from high school and we had a great lunch at a Thai restaurant. Then two days later I went out for Winterlicious and enjoyed a scrumptious dinner of South American fusion food.

I’m looking forward to a quiet weekend. I’m hoping to relax, buy a dress for my daughter’s wedding and clean a small corner of my bedroom. The thing I’m looking most forward to is the wedding which takes place next Wednesday.

Share Your World 2015 – Week 5

…’s already February and week 5

Do you prefer shopping or going to a park?

Why do I have to pick? I like them both. I like a balance of activities. I love to walk and I need to do more. January has been a tough month on the exercise front. I also love to shop and I didn’t much of that either in January. Okay February, time to up my game on both fronts. P1010910IMG_0253

If you were a shoe, what kind would you be and why?

I’m all about comfort now. I love my new hiking shoes and my ‘Blundstone’ style boots. Both work well when I’m walking and the boots are versatile and are somewhat fashionable.

What’s the story behind a time when you got locked out?  

The last time I was locked out it happened at school. My swipe key was starting to break so the office administrator applied for a new one. Little did I know that the moment she applied for a new one the old one was declared null and void. That night I had to go back to school for a meeting and I couldn’t get back into the school. I walked to the front doors and they were locked so I walked around to the side entrance and then all the way through the school to get back to the library. It wouldn’t have been so bad but it was bitterly cold. The next morning I couldn’t get into the school again but when I finally did, the office had my new key ready for me.

Do you prefer eating foods with nuts or no nuts?

I love nuts and any food that contains nuts. When a box of chocolate is presented to me I always look for the chocolate with the nuts first. I love marzipan, Italian almond cookies, M&M Chocolate Covered Peanuts and almond bark.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

Last week my husband had his post op appointments with his doctors and the surgery was successful. He still has to have iodine radiation done but no more surgery for the time being. We walked to a restaurant close to the hospital that I’ve always wanted to try and we had a wonderful meal together.

I’m grateful for time spent with my children. We all got together to deliver a desk to my oldest daughter and her sister made homemade empanadas for us to enjoy for lunch. I’m also happy to have finished proofreading report cards.

I’m looking forward to printing up the final copies of the report cards for all the teachers on staff. I’m also looking forward to working on more art projects and receiving the next art assignment from Carla.

Here are a couple of warm-up doodles that I created for the class.

IMG_3848 IMG_3851Cheers and If you’d like to see more “Share Your World” posts head on over to Cee’s Photography and join in on the fun.

Share Your World – Week 5, 2014

….here’s how I feel in this moment in time…..tomorrow my answers could be different

If you had a choice to live anywhere would be your preference salt water beaches, forest, fresh water lakes, hot tub, ski resort or desert?

My preference would be a fresh water beach. My cottage is on the most beautiful beach in Georgian Bay. The bay is part of the Great Lakes in Ontario. I’m only there in the summer so I might not feel the same way if I lived there in the winter, especially this winter. It’s been brutally cold. So if I were to live in one place year round I might choose a salt water beach in a warm climate.Image

What was your favorite toy as a child  . . . and now?

My mother hated clutter and if our toys weren’t put away they eventually ended up in the garbage. The only toy I can remember having for a long time was a baby doll that I named Dorothy. When you fed her she would wet her diapers and her eyes closed when you laid her down. Now my favourite toys are my laptop and my ukulele. I would be lost without my computer and I’ve only recently pulled my ukulele out of storage. Some day I might actually learn how to play it proficiently. Currently I know only a few chords. I need to practise, practise, practise…..

photo 2-9 photo 1-9

Which do you prefer sweet, salty or both at the same time? 

I initially wanted to say sweet but I actually love both at the same time. My favourite popcorn is Chicago style which is a combination of cheese popcorn and caramel popcorn. Yum!

Would you prefer snowy winters, or not, and why?

I prefer snowy winters but this year has been a bit much. It’s not the snow that bothers me but the frigid sub-zero temperatures and icy conditions have been extreme this year. I love the sound of soft crunchy snow under my boots and it has never stopped me from going for walks. The ice, however, this year has been treacherous and I spent some time in the emergency ward with my husband after he slipped and fell. Luckily he didn’t break anything but he did collapse his lungs and stretched the connective tissues between his ribs, causing him a great deal of pain. After three weeks he is just starting to feel better. Come to think of it, the winter where we had no snow and mild temperatures sounds pretty good right now.  We were able to ride our bikes all winter. Hmmmm!!!!!
