I’m a Fan of….Swans

thank to Jez for hosting I’m a fan of….https://jezbraithwaite.blog/2024/04/08/lensball-shots-re-imagined-as-ai-artwork-in-my-fan-of-series-4/

On a recent walk I came a cross a beautiful pair of swans. I only noticed one for the longest time until someone told me that there was a coyote eyeing the swan that was sitting on a nest just over to my left. I never did see the coyote, even though I did venture closer to the nest. It was only because the red ants were starting to bite my ankles that I decided to move to drier ground.


Under the Weather

first post in six days

I have not vanished off the face of the Earth or gone down some rabbit whole that I can’t get out of. Instead I have been missing in action due to the worst cold I’ve had in years. It has literally kept me in bed or on the couch. Yesterday was the first day I ventured outside and that was to the pharmacy to fill a prescription.

I did try to check my emails but even that became a chore, especially when my computer told me that I had no room left to run any programs. I tried to delete some non-essential programs but even that became problematic and I feared that I was going to delete something essential.

Anyway, I hope to get back into the groove and start posting again soon. I’m currently planning for a trip to the UK at the end of this month so I need to stay healthy and try to get over this nagging cough. Hope everyone is healthy and happy, especially now that spring is officially here and better days are ahead.


Mama Cormier/Carol


Thursday Trios – Three Ducks in a Pond

swimming towards me


If you have any trios you’d like to share just copy my link and paste it into your post. I’ll get a pingback and will check it out. Have fun!