Share Your World 2016 – Week 45

….thanks Cee for hosting Share Your World

Describe your own outlook on life in seven words or less. (NOTE: does not have to be a sentence.)

Make the most of it. Enjoy it.

Where do you like to vacation?

I like to vacation at the cottage but when travelling abroad I enjoy going to Ireland, the Netherlands and Italy. I’d like to take a trip to Iceland, England and Germany in the near future.

Candy factories (sweets or treats including chocolate) of the entire world have become one and will now be making only one kind of candy. Which kind, if you were calling the shots?

It would have to be dark chocolate with marzipan or nuts.

Complete this sentence: Something that anyone can do that will guarantee my smile is…

….show me a photo of my granddaughter.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for a wonderful weekend with my daughters. On Saturday I went to the Royal  Winter Fair with both my girls and my granddaughter. I hadn’t been to the fair since I was a little girl. I loved seeing Winnie’s reaction to all the animals. I forgot how massive this fair is, especially if you go back into the barns where all the farm animals are kept.

On Sunday we had the whole family at the house to celebrate my oldest daughter’s 37th birthday. She wanted a pizza making party so my husband made the dough from scratch and we cut up a variety of toppings for people to choose from so that they could design their own pizza creation.

This week I’m looking forward to unpacking all the books that I purchased at the book vendor’s fair today and attending a party for a good friend. I’m also hoping to finish reading The Nest and starting on some art projects for myself.
