Share Your World 2015 – Week 48

… feels strange to have missed a week so I’m glad to be back to answer Cee’s questions for Share Your World

Are you a hugger or a non-hugger?

I’m definitely a hugger. I like bear hugs from family members and close friends. I’ve read recently that hugs can reduce your stress and the longer the hug the more effective it is for calming you down.

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?

I love kale and sausage (no tomato sauce) and mushrooms, bacon, caramelized onions and cheese (with tomato sauce). My husband makes fantastic pizza.

If you were the original designer of one existing corporate logo, which one would you select?

I love the Volkswagen logo.It is so recognizable.


Complete this sentence: Where I can seek my solace is… 

….anywhere where I can paint and/or read. The place that comes to mind first is my cottage.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful that my father finally got to meet his first great grandchild. My daughter and her husband made the two hour trip to my Dad’s place. My husband and I picked up lunch and joined them and we enjoyed a simple meal together. I think that this photo says it all.


I’m also grateful for perfect walking weather. I’ve averaged about 12 000 steps a day. My principal was gifted a Fit Bit for her birthday and she has made it very easy to get in my steps for the day. Every spare minute in our day she asks me and anyone who will join her to walk around the school. It really helps. Thanks M!

Share Your World 2014 – Week 48

…..4 more shares and we’re done for 2014

What is your favorite toppings on pizza?

Everything on my husband’s homemade pizza is good but if I have to choose it would be mushrooms, caramelized onion, feta cheese and prosciutto.

I want to learn more about …

That’s tough because there are so many things that I want to know more about. One of them would be learning new art techniques and learning to use different tools and materials. As I get older I’ve also become more interested in history and would like to learn more about ancient civilizations.

What are three places you’ve enjoyed visiting?

I’ve enjoyed visiting the Netherlands and Ireland and the Rocky Mountains in Alberta. When I was a child and later as a teenager I visited Germany three times. I would love to go back and see it from an adult’s point of view.

Do you prefer eating the frosting of the cake or the cupcake first?

I’m a frosting person but I like to make sure that I have a bit of cake with my frosting. It’s all about balance.

Bonus question: What are you grateful for from last week, and what are you looking forward to in the week coming up?

I’m grateful for time spent with my friend L. Her life is rather chaotic at the moment and any time that we spend together outside of school is a bonus. We went to the One of a Kind Show on Friday and the week before we were at the ballet and went out for dinner.

This week I’m looking forward to going to the annual Christmas concert on Tuesday and hosting our United Way Silent Auction on Friday. I’m also looking forward to dinner Friday evening with friends.

Thank you Cee for the questions for this week’s challenge. I hope you get over your cold really quickly so that you can enjoy the upcoming holidays.