Happy Canadian Thanksgiving (Still no Baby)

…..today is officially Thanksgiving but we had our big meal yesterday

All week I stressed that having dinner at my daughter’s place might not be such a good idea. I envisioned her going into labour during the meal, before the meal and actually being in the  hospital on the day we were suppose to get together. My daughter, however, was determined to have the dinner at her place. At least she would be close to her doctor and the hospital where she plans to have the baby. We did discuss a plan B but it wasn’t necessary.

There were 10 of us there for dinner. My husband and I delivered the turkey and all the equipment for deep frying the bird the day before. On Sunday we brought roasted Brussels sprouts, a melange of other roasted vegetables and homemade cranberry sauce.  Our other daughter, A, made a kale, rice and pomegranate salad and B’s mom prepared the spaghetti squash and gravy. G made the mashed potatoes and B’s brother was in charge of dessert.

It was B’s first time deep frying a turkey so my husband was close at hand for advice and moral support. The dogs were also hovering around everyone’s feet hoping for bits to fall to the ground.

Before dinner B and G put out a lovely spread of meats and cheeses, crackers, pates, dips and toasted breads. Lucy was a bit of a challenge because all the trays were placed on the coffee table which was just the right height for Lucy to lean in and grab whatever she could. Despite our best efforts she managed to walk off with some bread and cheese.

The dinner was delicious. When dessert was served we also celebrated the birthdays of G’s husband and her husband’s brother. If the baby comes today it will mean that we have birthdays on the 2, 7, 12, 13, and 14th of October to celebrate and those are just the immediate family. There are quite a few October birthdays with the extended family as well.

Today was another beautiful day. It feels like summer out there. We’re in the middle of a federal election and the advance polls were open today so my husband and I decided to walk to the polling station and get it over with. We’d pretty much decided who we were voting for anyway and so we decided to avoid the rush on the actual voting day.

Since the weather was so perfect we decided to walk to the polling station. It was a bit of a hike but we walk that far with the dog every day anyway so we took her along and made our way to the Assembly Hall. IMG_6458Unfortunately my husband misread the times and we got there two hours before the doors open. We went back home and then walked back two hours later but without the dog this time. The station was surprisingly busy and it took us about a half an hour to get to the front of the line to vote. When we got home the second time I had clocked over 12 000 steps for the day up to that point.

Back in Hamilton my daughter still waits for her baby to arrive. To kick start her labour they decided to go on a fairly strenuous  hike along the Bruce Trail but so far it hasn’t made a difference. Here’s a photo of part of the trail that they hiked on.


Hopefully in my next post I will declare the safe arrival of our first grandchild. To all my Canadian friends, have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and don’t eat too much turkey. Remember that leftovers make great lunches for the rest of the week.

20 thoughts on “Happy Canadian Thanksgiving (Still no Baby)

  1. Hi Carol, I can’t believe you deep fry the Turkey, lots of oil, but should be delicious. I was going to vote today too, but I got so busy and forgot. You didn’t post anyphoto of the belly, I love to see pregnant bellies, I miss my big pregnant bellies. Hope everything goes well with your daughter and the baby.

    Liked by 2 people

      • Now should be much bigger, in the IG will be great, one of my colleagues is pregnant, she has still more 4 weeks, her belly is already so big and round, she is glowing, so beautiful. Have a great night!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s quite a feast you had but plenty steps to vote to walk off the effects of turkey with all the trimmings. I can see you walking everywhere, phone clutched in hand, waiting for that important call to tell you that grandmother status has been conferred on you. Hope all goes well.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. On the one hand, it was nice to have a family gathering and Thanksgiving dinner without the drama of sudden labour starting. On the other hand, it would have been soooo exciting and such a wonderful story to tell afterwards. The waiting part for this much anticipated child must be so difficult!! This little one has her own agenda 🙂

    When we were hiking the Bruce Trail end-to-end, we occasionally saw very pregnant women on the trail. I thought it was a bit odd. Now I know why 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Happy Thanksgiving! Glad it was a lovely occasion, can imagine you waiting baby news…. That reminds me about the pattern for the Salky boots. I’ll do it tomorrow. A pair can be knitted in an evening so it’s not too late. Sorry I have been tardy re the pattern. All the best 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Looks like a lovely family gathering. Very glad to hear the only thing you and your husband delivered was the turkey! All the best to your daughter for a safe delivery when bubba is ready and to you the nervous but excited grandees!

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