Lighting Up the Path

thanks to Becky B. for hosting January Squares

Can’t believe that this is the last day of the challenge, SquareUp. Becky has done a great job of hosting this challenge and I’m looking forward to the next Square challenge in April.


I have a few more square photos that didn’t make it into to 31 days so I’ll just post them as a bonus. You can interpret them anyway you want….messed up, tangled up, up the road, iced up, dried up, etc.

2-B12-F81-D-0-DE3-4562-92-CE-5-C9-BB66-DAE24-1-201-a B16-A2-E99-6-FA2-43-B1-89-CF-41-A80-A4-A5-FE5-1-201-a 90-C17-A82-8-B9-F-4-A34-A995-85-D7-D6-FD2-B50-1-201-a 7-F7-ED8-DD-CE13-4698-B58-C-86-CD456-F60-F4-1-201-a 09-D9262-D-1-A9-A-4289-83-D6-476-A611-F1148-1-201-a 62-B3-EAB9-920-D-426-C-9-A06-3-BDC15397-A0-B-1-201-a 3-A73-E557-03-DB-4-F46-BD29-43-A3-E186-BE37-1-201-a

More UpSquare Trees – January 30, 2021

….thanks to Becky B for hosting January Squares

I’ve posted an uprooted tree earlier in the challenge but this one is spectacular. We discovered it on our walk through Ball’s Falls Conservation Area. Another uprooted or fallen tree had an interesting hollowed out core and I found myself looking up into the hollows of this tree.

1-A06867-D-EF17-4347-80-A1-B25-A067-EB9-CF-1-201-a 4-E1060-EF-34-B3-47-C6-A821-0-D41-B5-CAE158-1-201-a

Half Way Up – January Squares

thanks to Becky B for hosting January Squares,

Yesterday I went back to High Park to get in some more steps. I had to make a delivery to a friend who is in a downtown hospital so I decided to drive home along Bloor St and stop at the park for a quick walk. The walk ended up being a lot longer than I meant it to be and I had to make a decision at some point as to whether take a short cut back to the car or go the long way round. The short cut involved taking that huge stairway up the hill that I posted about near the beginning of this challenge.

In the end I decided to take the stairs. About half way up I stopped to take a picture of my progress. When I finally got to the top of the stairs I counted 90 steps.

A40-D97-CA-CE6-D-43-F0-99-DC-D288-C61-C4204-1-201-a CB46-AD76-F515-4-A27-A018-05-A47-BE82108-1-201-a

Fired Up No More – Day 26

thanks to Becky B. for hosting January Squares,

Thanks goodness that this cannon is no longer operational. It sits in front of Colborne Lodge, the home of the late John Howard who donated his property to the city. It is however a very rare specimen once used to protect the citizens of York. It was manufactured in 1845 and is only one of two or three that can still be found in the city. There is talk of moving it indoors because over the years this brass cannon has been vandalized and a few brass pieces have been removed.

InĀ 1873, the Howards deeded the property to the city for use as aĀ “Public Park for the free use benefit and enjoyment of the citizens of the City of Toronto forever.”Ā The property was 165 acres in size. In 1876, the city purchased another 172 acres to the east and in 1930 they purchased an additional 71 acres to the west, which included Grenadier Pond.

63-B8-DF15-35-A9-4-E55-8-E55-0-E0-A9-A502380-1-201-a 072-D0-A52-A346-44-E6-BA87-79-A9-E63-E44-B6-1-201-a

More Upstairs – Jan. 25, 2021

….thanks to Becky B for hosting January Squares,

EB8-C72-F8-7-D25-4209-9267-83-F086351-C7-D-1-201-a 3-C2489-F7-0776-476-D-BBC6-3064-B82-CE434-1-201-a

I climbed up the first set of stairs but I thought twice about taking those steps in the second photo. Instead I opted to walk up the road a little further down the path.

Cheer Up – January Squares

….thanks to Becky B for hosting January Squares

Nothing cheers me up more that a bouquet of fresh flowers. Two of my favourites are these mini irises and yellow tulips.


Of course my granddaughters cheer me up even when I can only see them over the phone. Today is a special day in our family. It is Sevin’s first birthday today. We’re getting ready for a Zoom birthday party in the next few minutes.


Turned Up Faces – January 23, 2021

thanks to Becky B for hosting January Squares

These two lovelies are my granddaughters, Winnie and Sevin. Winnie is five and Sevin turns one tomorrow. Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

722-FD559-09-DF-4-ECE-BFFB-9-F7-FF168-CE02-1-201-a 4-B38362-A-C72-F-424-C-A129-BCE60-BB27-C36-1-201-a

I found this beautiful video on YouTube that I think is perfect for this challenge and the music is great.

Upturn – January Squares for the 22nd

….thanks to Becky B for hosting this awesome challenge


Makes me wonder why some trees grow this way.

Love the views from the glider in this video