Knowing When to Stop – Day 71

……365 Days of Art continues

This morning Jill Kuhn from Jill’s Art Journal posted a work in progress that inspired me to use some more of my circles using a similar technique. Jill didn’t use collage and most of the colour came from the use of watercolours. I started by making lines and circles with my Micron pen around circles that I randomly glued to my paper. Then I used my Staedtler and Faber Castell markers to add colour.


I continued to add more colour to the larger spaces. I didn’t want to fill in every space and many of the spaces are quite large so my next step was to take a 6B Staedtler pencil and add more circles over the whole  page. Here’s what I have for now. I’m debating whether to add another layer or leave it as is. In art there is a fine line between knowing when to stop and when to continue.fullsizeoutput_6e08

Now that I see it from a new perspective I might add more dark grey to the upper portion. What do you think?

More Collage Art by my Grade Three Classes

….I love the finished collage projects that my grade three art classes produced

It took close to three weeks to get this assignment finished. The first week we collected and assorted coloured pages from magazine and discarded books. The second week we cut up and glued geometric shapes into cityscapes or country landscapes. In the final class we added line detail and dots to give the scene texture and interest. I think the boys and girls did a wonderful job.

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