Thursday Trios from Aberfoyle, ON

a great antique market with lots of trios to photograph


If you have some trios to share I’d love to see them. Just copy my link and paste it into your post. I’ll get a pingback and I’ll be sure to leave a comment.

18 thoughts on “Thursday Trios from Aberfoyle, ON

  1. Pingback: Pentecost Weekend Trios – pictures imperfect blog

  2. Pingback: A Trio of Fritellaria | Kamerapromenader

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  5. Pingback: Take a seat, any seat – Robert's Snap Spot

  6. Pingback: Birds Feeding – Nature Photo (NPC) and Thursday Trio Challenges – Cee's Photo Challenges

  7. Pingback: When the lights dim, and the music hums, magic happens! – Philosophy Through Photography

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