January Squares – The Last Ones

… I can’t believe that January Squares  is over today

Thanks Becky for hosting this month’s square challenge about light. The light that comes through a greenhouse allows the public to enjoy flowers year round. 62E1ADB6-149D-42CA-A921-58EDC0C38A24641F3A6E-EAC6-4687-9604-DC5779E1ABEF

I’m sure a missed a few days so here are some more squares of light; twilight, coloured lights, and a back lit spaceman. EB67AE4A-0351-4F8B-A780-F7C644A336EC_1_201_a2E920743-8187-448F-9E6F-D94B161D633371583A9C-42CC-4E43-B97D-95EB622E6FB9

5 thoughts on “January Squares – The Last Ones

  1. what a lovely final collection – I am even tempted to sit for a while on the seats in the snow. The view is amazing.

    Thank you so much for being such a wonderful squarer. Wouldn’t be the same without you

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