Watercolour and Doodles

….finding time for art

I’ve been squeezing in some time for art. I really don’t have any excuses for not doing more but I have thoroughly enjoyed watching art videos and when the moment to create strikes I have my supplies close at hand. This happen a few days ago when I watched a YouTube video by Creations Cee Cee.

I had note cards handy and I wanted to send my father a card anyway so I decided to paint and doodle right on the card. The whole process started with laying down areas of colour with watercolour paints and then letting it dry.171-D341-D-8932-4144-9770-D429-B4-FEBC9-D

Once the paint was dry I took a black ink pen and started doodling shapes around the colour splotches and then added leaves and more details to the blooms. I finished it off with some white and gold marks in the flowers and around them.