New Flower (March 18, 2020) – Mystery Flower

…I’ve tried to find the name of this tropical plant but have been unsuccessful

Does anyone out there have any ideas what this is?7-FE449-AC-BCAD-446-E-8-CE7-0289-BCBA2050-1-201-a

4 thoughts on “New Flower (March 18, 2020) – Mystery Flower

      • Ohhh, it’s possible the name “elephant’s ear” might apply to different plants depending on where you live. What we had growing in the garden of my childhood home was bergenia cordifolia (thanks, Google!) which has a pink flower spike. It’s similar to what you posted, but perhaps not quite there!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I checked it out and perhaps it is a bergenia before the buds open. I’ve actually contacted the conservatory but they are closed right now. I thought someone might be there to water the plants but they won’t be checking their messages for awhile. If they ever get back to me I will let everyone know what it is.


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